Honda Repair: 1995 civic DX coupe fuel gauge problem, belt fasteners, wiring harnesses
Questionhi, I recently bought a 95 civic DX coupe and I noticed that the fuel gauge needle will go up and down by about a quarter of a tank. I think the sensor might just need to be cleaned out, but I don't know how to take off the back seat to get at the bolts underneath. or, if you have any other suggestions on why this might be happening, that would be great. Thanks!
AnswerHi Alex, I would recommend that you have the fuel pump replaced.
I believe the problem is that the float is causing the malfunction.
In any case you have to remove the rear seat to access the (6) 10mm fasteners that access the fuel pump. Undo the wiring harnesses and fuel lines. Remove. Float is brand new as well is Fuel Pump. Installation is the opposite of removal.
To remove the back seat there is a single 10mm, in between the seat belt fasteners, that is hidden. Remove it and tilt seat forward pulling upwards. Done. The upper part of the back seats remain unless you want to remove due to obstruction or comfort. Anything beyond that is beyond my expertise...