Honda Repair: 1988 Honda Accord DX, blower motor, wrecking yard
QuestionQUESTION: I can feel heat coming out but the fan does not blow. I'm wondering does this fan have a fuse and where is the fan actually located in I need to replace it
ANSWER: Hi Brian, I don't think there is a specific fuse for the Blower motor. But, check all fuses anyway and replace any fuse that is bad with the recommended type/rating. I would replace the blower motor with one out of the local wrecking yard. Test the motor before installing the used part though.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Can you tell me where the blower motor is located
AnswerNo problem Brian, it is underneath the dash, passenger side floor board, and behind the glove box. You are definitely going to remove the glove box for access. There is a wiring harness plug going into the motor itself. Remove the entire unit not just the motor. Should be Black plastic in color.