QuestionQUESTION: I have a 91 accord that will not throttle up, but will idle smooth after a little stubborn start. It has a new fuel pump (2 months), fuel pressure regulator, fuel filter, plugs, cap, rotor, plug wires are used but tested fine.
I've tested the tps I think it tested good (tested pos lead of meter on middle prong, neg lead on outer prong and it test good, if I switch neg lead to other outer prong it test bad), test egr valve- good, iac valve- good, coil- good, map sensor- good, not sure how to test ignition igniter correctly, the spark is an red or orange, and no check engine comes on.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Art
ANSWER: Hi Art, you have definitely put some time and money into this problem. You have also done a lot of my recommended repairs too. To test the spark grab an extra spark plug and remove a spark plug wire. Insert the extra spark plug onto the end of the wire and hold it against a metal surface at the same time having someone turn the engine over. Watching the gap you should see a spark. But if your car idles this would generally tell me that spark is working appropriately. You should look into maybe getting an electrical diagnosis done? Spendy but worth it if it fixes the problem. Also your ECU could be causing this issue as well but doubtful. Another thing i would check is the timing on the car. You might have jumped a tooth or maybe you need to replace the timing belt?
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: First let me thank you for responding. There is spark present, that I know for sure, the only concern was it was orange red instead of the normal blue or white, and maybe couldn't handle the fuel load. I did also check the timing a couple days ago, and is still set at the required 15 btdc.
I also checked the injectors by letting the car idle then unplugging them and that passed fine, But today I decided to do a resistence check on them and my results read 2.6 or 2.7 (jumping back and forth) on all 4 injectors. The limit is 1.5 to 2.5 ohms. Could there be a problem there, and if so what would make all 4 go at the same time. The injector resitor passed the test.
AnswerHere's what to do, definitely look under your hood for an aluminum colored heat sink with wires coming out of it. It will be on the driver side between the firewall and strut tower. That is your resistor box that controls your regulation to the Fuel Injectors. Replace it with a tested unit, install, measure resistance again. If not, I would suspect ECU. And do the same thing over. I hope this helps you out...