Honda Repair: Tail light fuse keeps blowing, light fuse, blown fuse
QuestionHello, thanks for taking the time to read my question.
I have a 94 Honda Civic that has developed a problem. I started my vehicle and tried to shift into drive but it was locked. I used the bypass to shift into neutral then started the car. When I came home, I tried to diagnose the problem and the first thing I did was check the fuse to the taillights and it was blown. I also checked the shifter safety switch activated by the brake pedal and that was fine.
After replacing the fuse, I turned on the lights and again, another blown fuse. I believe the shifter is not working because it is tied to the lights but I have no idea about the fuse. I would assume I have a short somewhere but I don't know where to start looking. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Thanks again. Vincent
Answer Ok well from what you have told me here the only things that I can think of are either you do have a short in the wireing between the switch and the fuse. I know this is going to sound like a mornonic question but I have to ask.... are you replaceing the blown fuse with the correct Amperage? Make sure and try disconecting the battery when you replace the fuse. I would try this first I have replaced a few main dash harnesses in hondas beacuse of someone not replacing the correct fuse and not disconecting the battery it happens and those harnesses are alittle more than $1,000 in parts alone. Now if replaceing the fuse with the battery diconected does not slove your problem then take a DVOM meter or well a Volt meter if you have one if not there cheap just get one at the local parts store. from the switch to the fuse place the ground tip on a clean metal spot then take the red positive tip and probe the wireing at diffrent points to see if you spot a drop in voltage if so then theres your bad wire and usually you can just cut and I recomend soddering in a new wire but butt conectors will work.