Honda Repair: manual transmission, clutch master cylinder, cluth
QuestionOn my 1996 manual 5 speed transmission, the clutch fully engages when the pedal is let out only about 1 1/2 inch. It works, and doesn't slip, but it should come out farther before being fully engaged. I would expect a stretched cable to come out all the way, or even to slip when out all the way. But this is the opposite, like it was too tight. What could be wrong? Thanks.
Answer Well more than likely it is not a cable issue I would get a friend over and try bleading the clutch master cylinder than work on doing the same with the slave cylinder this may be your problem. Also it sounds like it is just a new cluth that is a little sensitive and Iam assuming its aftermarket? It could be a normal thing with that particular cluth might just need to be broke in. Ive seen this before but try bleading the system first.