Honda Repair: 92 honda overheating, honda accord lx, coolant temp

My 92 Honda Accord LX has been trying to overheat while in idle. The temp gauge reads right bellow the "H" but returns to normal when I start to drive again. Also when I turn my heater on in idle it seems to return to normal for a while. I checked the coolant level and everything seems to be full but I am still having this "overheating in idle problem". If you have any suggestions or have heard of this before it would be of great help. Thanks.

Hi Anthony,

Sounds like probably one of the fans isn't working properly. The easiest method to check is to turn on the A/C and look at both fans. They should both be on. If one is not then you have found your culprit. As you speed up more air flows across the radiator cooling it down, when you turn the heat on the blower moves air across the heater core removing heat from the coolant as well. At idle no air is moved across the radiator so the electric fans are needed. Usually a problem with the fans is a relay but could also be the fan motor itself or even a coolant temp sensor. Hope this helps, let me know what you come up with and please feel free to contact me in the future if you have any other questions.
