Honda Repair: odometer, oil change reminder, oil change service

I have an 06 honda accord.... question:....How do you reset the oil change (reminder)light? (located on the odometer panel)..I'm sure it would be reset at the dealer when the oil change service is preformed there but I just recently opted to changed my own oil..I cannot find the answer to this question in the owners manual....thanks for your help

ya they don't tell you cuz they want people to go in to a dealer and spend money.

some newer honda's are different so this may not be exact. but the odo button inside the dash. either hoold it down, then turn on the key and continue holding it until the reminder goes away (10sec or so)

or with the newer text displays, with the key on put it on the oil reminder message then hold it down for 10 seconds. then i believe it should blink, let go, then hold it down for 5 more seconds.
if that doesnt work you can play with it in different combinations. it's always based on holding it down.

now some have a nice little info center in the dash with control buttons on the steering wheel. i have seen it once on a top model odyssey. those are a lot different. let me know if you have that and i will look it up.