Honda Repair: re:replace front wheel bearings on 1997 honda Civic, front wheel bearings, bearing buddy
QuestionWhat is the best way to replace the front wheel bearings on a 1997 Honda Civic. I have a right front bearing making a noise
AnswerHey Ronald,
They are pretty easy if you have done them before and have a press or a "bearing buddy" tool. I would say leave that one to the professionals. If you really want to save $$$$$ on the labor take the knuckle off and take it and the new bearing to a reputable auto shop or machine shop and then they won't charge you quite as much. They will press it in for you but not charge the entire cost (at least they shouldn't!) I have done things like this for my customers on many occasions. I would make a few phone calls and find someone willing to do this and shop the price. Hope this helps. Feel free to contact me if you have any other questions. Have a good day!