Honda Repair: 91 prelude not starting, water pump bearing, distributer cap

QUESTION: my 91 prelude shut off on me going down the highway and i was low on gas so i thoyught it might be that. then my buddy said it might be the atater so i replaced it cause the old one was jsut making a loud wirring noise and the new one is doing the same thing it wont engage or something and my engine doesnt turn over. i put gas in it so im not sure what is wrong with it. i really love this car and ned some help.
ANSWER: for my bet guess, i would bet you its the timing belt.
take the distributer cap off and then have your friend turn it over. watch the rotor. if it doesnt turn then the belt has broken. go ahead and pull the valve cover to make sure.
if this is what happen it will be a nightmare for you.
i have an 85 lude and i love them, but the 3gens are a huge pain to work on.

you also will need to pray you didnt bend any valves.


(when the belt breaks the motor has no compression and so turns a lot faster. it sounds distinctly different)

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: so i pulled the timing belt cover off to see it and i saw that it wasnt tight at all and was jsut kinda loose and flopping around... i want to fix this car and was wondering if you knew of any how to's or diagrams. thanks  

that means either the an pulley (tensioner or idler) or the water pump bearing gave out.

you will have to pull the whole thing apart.
this is a guide for a GSR.
the belt itself is very similar to yours and will give you something to go on.
you could also go out and buy a Haynes manual. they are pretty decent books for the price.
1 major thing different is the timing mark for th crank is on the flywheel. the little rubber plug below the distributor between tranny and engine.


expect to spend a full day doing this, but keep your patience and you will come out ok.
you need to make absolutely sure the belt is on time before you try to start it afterwards. you definitely dont want to have incorrect timing misleading you to pull the head when you dont have to.