Honda Repair: 1990 Honda Accord, aftermarket honda parts, salvage yard
I own a 1990 Accord with about 170,000 showing. It runs great and I really love it.
The problem:
When I am at a full stop and let up on the clutch I notice a short whining sound. It only happens in 1st gear. All of the other shifting is fine. I haven't noticed an uptick in RPM's or anything else unusual when I hear this sound. Also, it doesn't happen all of the time. I can't say when the clutch was replaced last since I bought the car just over a year ago.
I would appreciate your assistance.
Answerfirst of all do you mean you are still stoped when you let out the clutch or as you are taking off? if you mean as you start taking off in first gear, that noise is the first gear Synchronizer bearing.
those can be fixed but sometimes it is better just replace the whole transmission than pay the $900 it costs them to rebuild it. those transmissions you can get for cheap at a salvage yard. i would stay away from ebay though. you can get a quote from a local transmission shop but im sure it would be more costly than just buying a transmission. check around for import auto shops and aftermarket honda parts stores. they usually dont charge you by the hour like rip off transmission places. usually $200 at the most to completely install a transmission. it is up to you if you can live with the noise. your transmission should last at least another 15k miles before 1st gear stops working. but it might be worth it to just spend the money and have the assurance. it does need to be fixed soon either way.