Honda Repair: battery light comes on, honda accord coupe, brake master cylinder
QuestionThe battery light on my 1991 Honda Accord coupe comes on when ever the brake is applied. If you release the brake the light turns off. The alt. tested good and I replaced the battery. The car is an automatic.
Answersounds like a bad ground wire. when you step on the brake, it is not only pumping fluid to the brakes, but telling the lights to turn on. if your lights have gotten wet or have water in the lenses or were recently changed, they could possibly be touching ground(the frame). check all your rear lights for obstruction or water. if that doesn't fix it, it could be the brake master cylinder is just needing replaced and is draining the battery every time you use it. but i would check for any black wires touching the car frame or ones that aren't tight before doing any kind of work like that. just try to trace all the wires from your negative terminal of the battery all the way back to the taillights to see if anything is loose or grounding out. also any certified Honda mechanic should be able to figure out the problem with a volt meter. you might try a local shop or a Honda Dealer. hope this helps.