Honda Repair: 1992 Honda Accord Stalling, last legs, drop to zero

My Accord has 270k+ miles and is on its last breath. I've been dealing with it stalling occasionally for over a year now. When it started happening, it would stall mainly on the highway going about 70 mph. The engine would lunge violently, check engine light would come on, and RPM's drop to zero with the engine completely stalling. After pulling over, it would start up right away.

Last summer I had plugs/wires, cap/rotor, ignition module, fuel/air filter replaced. I still haven't replaced the entire distributor itself.

It'll go a whole week without stalling. Lately, I've been having problems getting it started in the morning. After turning the ignition, the tachometer jumps back and forth between 1500-2500 and sometimes jump higher erratically. Then, it'll just stall while sitting in the garage. After starting it and having it stall a few more times, it'll stay on, but sometimes stall when I'm out driving. Rather then starting up right away, sometimes I have to hit my starter with a wrench or something while someone else turns the engine over to get it started. Also, when driving it, I'll notice the tachometer occasionally jump, which is usually an indicator it's going to stall again.

I realize the car is old and on it's last legs, but is it worth it to replace the distributor? Or is something else seriously messed up with my Accord? Any advice is greatly appreciated.

This sounds like the fuel pump, and maybe the ecu, find the hazzard fuse and take out for 15 mins and replace, this resets the ecu, to access the fuel pump is under a screwed on cap under the back seat, or if anything else fails its a sensor on the engine

Cheers RUSTY