Honda Repair: oil in radiator, backyard mechanic, head gasket
QuestionHello I have a 92 Civic with 170k miles with a slow oil leak and engine burning problem and for the last 2 weeks have noticed oil in the radiator and over flow container. Mechanic says I've blown a gasket and should repalce engine. My car hasnt overheated nor lost compression- its very driveable. Isnt it possible this can be repaired instead? Also any idea how this happened? I've kept oil in it, monthly oil changes etc, nevre noticed a problem. I added an engine oil seal a month ago and now this.... Input appreciated
Answeryes buy a head gasket and ask a backyard mechanic to put it in for you it should take about 3 hours to do a head gasket and itll cost you less as well as your mechanic should be shot, there is nothing wrong with the motor, and ill suggest you dont drive it because you will have water in the oil as well and water rusts the internals of your motor and then you have problems. I hope ive been of some help thanks