QuestionI was recently involved in an auto accident and the air bags did not come out.
My chest was severely damaged, my diaphrgm was torned, my internal organs severely swollen and two ribs were broken.
My head hit the steering column.
I was wearing my seat belts but the air bags did not come out.
Honda sent a representative out and he told me that the air bags did not come out because the bumper went underneath the truck from and the hood itself was not hit, therefore the airbags did not come out. My car was completely totaled. I was driving a 1998 Honda Accord in excellent condition, brought it brand new, and it was my 7th new honda that i had owned.
I cannot believed that was the reason the airbags did not come out. HOnda said they had no liability because of this. My hospital bills went into the thousands and they said they were not liable. The truck that hit me ran accoss a main hiway and t-bone him. He was not hurt but my car was totalled.
Please tell me if what he said is possible. I don't remember hitting the breaks because the accident happened so fast. Please help me.
281-583-8806 or email me.
Thank you
Joanne Nelson
AnswerI am sorry to hear about your accident. I am not sure that I would be able to answer that question for you. That is beyond my level of expertise. I wouldn't want to give you information that may not be correct. The reps from Honda know more about how the system works than I do. I just work to make sure they are functioning properly. Sorry I can't help you with that one.