Honda Repair: 2000 Accord Crankshaft bolt will not come loose, crankshaft pulley, crank shaft
QuestionCraig, I'm working on a 2000 Accord LX VETEC 2.3 4 cylinder and I'm attempting to change the timing belt. When using an impact wrench the pulley turns and the bolt will not come loose. Should I purchase the crankshaft pulley holder? Do you have any suggestions? Is this a reverse thread?
Any advice you have would be appreciated.
AnswerIts not reverse thread. If you are going to do it yourself, yes you might have to get the crank shaft pulley holder. I own one myself. Has saved me a lot of money. Will cost between $50-100 depending upon which one you get. Honda sells one as does snapon. Get on ebay and see if you can get one there.