Honda Repair: srs light went on..., honda civic 95, cable reel
Questioni just bought a honda civic 95...we have it inspected befor the buy and it had no probleme. but yesterday, i was driving the car and at some point i had to turn the steering to the maximum, but near the end of the rotation, i heard a loud cracking sound, and after that i noticed that the srs light was now on. Is my airbag gonna blow without reason or what? cause it scare me a little!
AnswerNo, the airbag will not blow for no reason. Now that the light is on, it won't blow at all, even if you are in a wreck. Sounds like you may have broken the cable reel in the steering wheel. Someone has been messing with it and got it out of rotation if I had to guess. I would take to the dealer and have them diagnose the SRS light as its not an easy system to diagnose.