Honda Repair: trouble codes, coolant temp, wire sensor
I recently bought a 1989 Civic hatchback std model 1.5L, 4speed manual. I have no idea about its repair history. Occasionally it has a problem starting in the morning. A quick check shows there is no spark. After turning the ignition off for a few seconds and then trying to start it a few times, it finally fires. It runs ok (occasionally sputters) for the first part of my 40 mile commute to work but toward the last 5 miles it occasionally starts running really bad. sputtering and sometimes stalling and then its hard to re-fire it. I usually let it sit with the ignition off for a few seconds and then it refires and runs either perfect or the same. Its these intermittant problems with no certain condition leading up to it thats killing me.
No check engine light but the ECM Trouble code says 6 which = Coolant Temp which I assume is referring to a temp sensor.. but which one?
Also code 15 which = Ignition Output Signal. My Chilton manual says to refer to pages 11-50 and 11-58 respectively but there are no such pages in my manual.
Is code 6 referring to Thermosensor B which switches ignition signal in the EGR system and then causes code 15? Please help!
AnswerCode 6 is the coolant temp sensor. It's a 2 wire sensor located under the distributor. If this is bad, it will start very hard because the computer has no idea what the temp of the engine is. Replace this sensor and you will probably have an easier time starting.
Code 15 is a bad distributor. That signal comes out of the distributor and works the spark. You will need to replace the distributor assembly. Try used because that thing is very expensive.