QuestionI just recently purchased this car, and it has around 160000 miles, the clutch and timing belt have been recently replaced, new spark plugs, rotor--very solid car and engine. It has an 87 chassis and an EW1 model carbureted engine, so I'm not sure if it is an 84 or an 85.
1. Had overheating problems; flushed radiator, replaced thermostat, and it normally runs a bit above halfway on the temperature gauge (190-205 degrees fluctuating), but once I turn the lights on (lights especially, but it is worse when wipers or other devices are on too), it sometimes overheats significantly (red line). Needless to say, I am scared to drive during the night while it is raining. My only idea is a short or relay problem that occurs when I turn my lights on that causes my radiator fan to malfunction. How could I test for this? And what else could it be?
2. When starting cold I have to pump the gas first before any attempts at starting and then it usually stalls a few times before I get it to catch at a high idle (2000rpms, usually--fast idle valve?). It will take a few minutes before it lowers (still high at around 1200rpms). Also, unless I'm very careful, it will stall once more once I put it in gear and try to drive.
2.a. Maybe related, I'm not sure, but it hesitates (severe jerking sometimes) when starting in 1st and 2nd--it will jerk almost as if it will stall, and then will finally catch and I'll get expected engine response. Could this be an ignition timing or fuel sending problem? I keep hearing 'vacuum leak' when reading about related problems from other people. Could this produce the problems I'm experiencing?
3. Speedometer is 5-10 miles off (under), fuel gauge is stuck at 3/4 full. Fuel gauge--could it be a bad ground or sensor? And I have no clue about the speedometer. Any ideas?
Also, as a bonus for me, are there any modifications that would help this little guy get up hills easier?
Thank you SO much for your time. I'm a beginner at this stuff, but I have a couple manuals and I'm trying to learn, so thank you for bearing with me!
Answer1) The overheating problem is strange. Shouldn't make any difference what the load is unless the alternator is unable to keep up and the fans are not being properly powered. I would let the car sit with the lights and blower on and let it idle and make sure both fans are coming on.
2) I know nothing at all about the carbs on these cars. Was way before my time. Sorry I can't be of any help with that.
3) Speedo is cable operated so there isn't any way for it too be off unless the tires are the wrong size. Have you compared it with another car? Pace another car and see how far of it is. Not sure about the fuel gauge.