Honda Repair: 2000 Odyssey Error Codes, honda extended warranty, honda customer

What does the following error codes indicate and what steps need to be taken to correct:


The van has exhibited slipping but seems ok after putting in transmission fluid. Sometimes the TCS light is on when the check engine light goes on (but the TCS is not manually activated.

The catalytic converter was replaced about 3 months ago.


P1739--malfunction with 2nd gear pressure switch, P0740 TCC circuit malfuntion.  Will need to replace or have the transmission rebuilt.  If you have less than 100k its covered under Honda extended warranty.  Take it to the dealership and see what they say.  Depending upon what they say, you may also want to place a call to American Honda customer service to see what they might be able to do for you.  Very common problem with these vans.