Honda Repair: Engine shaking at idel on 2006 accord v6- 6 speed, throttle position sensor, intermittent problem
QuestionHi Craig,
My 2005 V6- 6speed accord's engine stumbles once in a while usally after the engine is reved or in stop and go drive or staying in one gear for a few second at hi RPM before shiftting. this is a intermittent problem and the engine shakes and feels like miss firing once I come to full stop at ideling and on neutral postion .
I took it to 5 diffrent dealerships non of them could fix it and they said that car's computer shows miss fires but not enough to turn on the engine light. Bottem line is they can fix it and they don't know what is wrong with it. They did a valve adjustment, Idel learn and reseting the gas paddel learning but the problem is still there.
Craig please help me out I want to have my car fixed, please let me know what could cause this condition.
AnswerThat one is an interesting question. Not sure what brand of gas you run, but change to a different brand/grade and see what happens. These cars are super sensetive to the misfire so if the light isn't on, it won't be missing much. It sounds like the computer isn't adjusting to the idle speed fast enough. Can't remember if there is a base idle speed screw in the throttle body or not. The older v6's had a similar problem and you turned the idle speed screw in the top of the throttle body out 1-1/2 turns and the problem went away. Would also be interested in knowing what the Throttle position sensor is reading at idle. Sorry, no quick and easy fix. These engines are so computer controled there isn't much in way of adjustments that you can do.