Honda Repair: honda Crx problem, honda crx, vacuum hose
QuestionHello Craig, I have a 1985 crx 1.5 dx and I think I'm having a problem with the carb, but I'm not sure. The car idles fine and it has plenty of power at low rpm, but a soon as I hit around 3000, it seems to either be starved for fuel or air. The timing is dead on and I checked every vacuum hose for leaks or looseness. I'm thinking that the secodaries aren't kicking in when they should....what do you think? Also, the engine only has around 30k miles on it
AnswerThese cars are a little before my time. Sorry, but I know nothing about carbs. You might want to make sure that their isn't any blockage in the exhaust. Make sure the cat or muffler isn't clogged.
Sorry I can't help any more than that. Was way before my time.