Honda Repair: Honda Civic ran out of gas, honda civic si, 1990 honda civic

Hi Craig,
I have a 1990 Honda Civic si with 165,000 miles. Last night I ran out of gas, but I am unable to get it restarted. The engine will crank, but it never catches. Could I have damaged the fuel pump? Is there a way to check? It looks like replacing the pump involves dropping the fuel tank. I feel pretty comfortable with most repairs, but this may be beyond me. How difficult is this replacement? If I take it to a shop, how many hours should I expect to be billed?
Thanks for your help!  

It shouldn't have made any difference.  Before you get too excited, just crack the fuel line loose and see if you have fuel pressure.  It shouldn't not have effected the fuel pump at all.  I am betting you have a different problem just happened at the same time.  

Let me know
