Honda Repair: 1990 Honda Civic Duel point injection, dashpot, o rings

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Car will Start and Reves over 2000RPM and then just dies after about 10 to 20 seconds.
Main Relay Seens to give 3 or 4 Clicks and Bench tested OK. Fuel Pump & Engine Light Turns On an then off after tring to get it started The ECU gives code 16. Checked the resistance of the two fuel injeters also checks OK. So far the Only thnig I've done is change the Oil and Filter and Fuel Filter.
Checked to se if their were sparks on the Spark Plugs and all four have Sparks.
Noticed that sometimes after trying to get it started the Spark plugs get flooded.

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The code is 16--fuel injector malfunction.  What is the resistance?  Check the primary injector (one on the top).  Should be .6-1.6 ohms.  This should also have the plug with the yellow/black wire in the plug.  Then check the aux injector (one on the bottom)  Resistance should be 6-10 ohms.   This code and running condition indicates a problem with the aux injector.  Let me know what you find.  If the injectors are out of range, replace them.

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The Upper Injecter Resistance is 1.4 ohms
The lower Injector  Resistance is 8.4 ohms
Also noticed a problem with the Dashpot it was stuck in the open postion
I cleaned the link it works but It's not 100% perfect.
I was reluctant to remove the Injectors sense I'm not to familiar with fuel injection. It seem that Duel Point Injector Parts are very hard to find except from the dealer.
Auxillary injector $202.00 Plus tax. O'Ring,mount rubber and set plate $58.00 plus Tax.
Can I remove the injector and replace with a used know working one.
Do I have to replace the o'ring,mount Rubber and set Plate or can just check that their in good condition apply a little engine oil to the O'rings and pop them in?
Can the injecters be cleaned or tested when remove from the throttle Body what would be the procedure?
Could the Injector be stuck or clogged. My son doesn't use his car very often.     
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You certainly can remove them and attempt to replace them but I would recommend getting the entire throttle body assembly with injectors used.  I can only remember 1 time having to work on those injectors.  Not a problem with those cars so the likely hood you will get a bad one is slim.  You will probably have better luck getting the entire assembly than trying to get the injectors.  You can go to the junkyard and get the entire engine for 200-300 dollars so spending a lot on parts is probably not something I would do.  

Hope that helped.

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Well I Agree However it looks allot easier just remove the injector and pop in the other then change the whole Throttle body which I was able to Find from the junkyard.
But If I decide to just pop in the other injector do I have to change the
O'ring, mount Rubber and set Plate?
If I decide to attempt to change the Whole Throttle Body must I replace the Gasket or just the O'ring OR change both?

o'ring,mount Rubber and set Plate?
If I deside to atempt to change the Whole Throttle Body must I replace the nioprem Gasket or just the O'ring OR change both?  

If you think it would be easier, then yes, just replace the injectors but I would strongly recommend replacing the o-rings when you take the old injectors out.  You will probably need to go to the dealer and have them pull up the picture to order the orings.  The top one has 2 and the bottom one has 3, at least from the picture that I have.