Honda Repair: 91 Honda Accord S light / shifting problem, honda accord lx, 1991 honda accord lx

I have a 1991 Honda Accord LX with 230,000 miles.  Recently, The "S" light came on and stays on.  When driving we only have 2 gears.  Mostly second and third.  The speedometer quits working.  Could this be the VSS or the TCU?  I've heard both.  Thanks.

Travis, the "S" light blinks to inform you of a malfunction picked up by the TCU. You'll have to check what code(s) are stored. To do this you have to jump a 2-pin blue connector located in the passenger kick panel or just above the kick panel. When you jumped it turn the ign. on and count how many times the "S" light blinks(codes 1-9 are short blinks, 10-15 are 1 long then 1-5 short) Let me know what code you have so I can tell you in what area the concern is. I'd read the TCU codes before jumping into the VSS. Good luck, RICK