Honda Repair: air conditionor in 96 Honda Accord, heater hoses, honda accord
I drive a 1996 Honda Accord with 140,000 miles on it.
It was blowing hot air out of the vents when you turned on the
air conditioner, my dad worked on it and now it blows cold air as
long as you keep the speed under 50mph, but as soon as you hit
the highway the air gets warmer. Any Idea where the hot air
could be coming from?
Sherman TX
AnswerDarcy, I think the hot air could be coming from a improperly adjuster water valve cable. There are two heater hoses going through the firewall under the hood. On one you'll see a cable to a valve. Place the temp control on full cold then look at the position of the valve arm controlled by the cable(note in which way it operates hot/cold). Remove the cable and see if you can move it further(colder). If you can move it further, adjust the cable accordingly by releasing the locking tab holding the cable and move the cable to the appropriate position then lock it down. If that doesn't do it you may have low refrigerant, or a restriction in a component. Good luck, RICK