Honda Repair: 99 accord a/c panel, flat screwdriver, fuse box

Hi, I have a 99 Accord with 84000 miles. The air conditioning panel is electric. The buttons to push to change from blowing on your face, feet, etc... stopped working. The small lights above the buttons do not come on. If the lights don't come on, then the buttons don't work. This problem mainly happens when it is hot outside.  The right temperature knob also does not work if the center buttons aren't working, but the left speed control knob works all the time. Is there a fuse for this problem, or does it need to go to a shop? If it does need to go to a shop, do you know about an average price range it would be to fix this? Thank you so much for any help you can give me on this problem.

Tara, it sounds like you may have a bad connection at the heater control panel seeing as it happens mainly when its hot outside. When it gets hot the connection can expand causing poor contact. If you remove the clock with a small flat screwdriver by prying on the bottom you'll see a screw behind it. Remove that screw and 2 other screws below the centre dash panel just below the radio and that whole panel can be removed. Have a look at the connector with the most wires at the heater panel and turn the key on. Wiggle the connector and see if the lights start working. If they do tighten the pins in that connector and reinstall. It could be the heater control panel but it doesn't sound like it. The 2 wires that supply power to it are wht/yel and blk/yel. Check the No.13 7.5A fuse in the passenger fuse box and the No.3 7.5A fuse in the drivers fuse box for a poor connection as well. RICK