Honda Repair: It just wont start., fuse box, sterio

I hav a 1996 Honda Civic LX.I was putting in a sterio in.While I was doing so.One of the wires came in contact with the metal and i knew I blew a  fuse.So ireplaced the fuse witch was a 40A fuse inside the hood .but now the car dont start.lights,hazards,horn and signals work.but it just doesn't kick over. if you could help i would really appreciate it thank you!!!

Corey in order for that 40A fuse to have blown I'm guessing it was the yel/red wire at the radio that touched? Also check the 80A in the under hood box. If so current would have had to go through the No. 28(10A) fuse as well in the under dash fuse box. it past there. That wire is only hot when the ign. is on acc. Power from that 80A fuse flows to the 40A in the under hood box to the ignition switch the to the dash fuse box then to the radio. Check those fuses and let me know. RICK