I've got a 1996 Honda Accord LX. It has 187K miles on it and runs like it did when I bought it. For some time now I have had a "clunk" coming from the front (It seems like the passenger side wheel) whenever I change directions from forward to reverse or reverse to foward then apply the brakes. It difficult to explain, but I'll try.
I back out of my driveway at a decent speed since I live on a busy road. I then put the car in drive and go forward, no problems yet. Then when I get to the next stop sign (not very far) when I apply the brakes, I get a metal-to-metal clunk from the passenger side wheel. It does the same thing going the other way too. If I'm driving forward, which I do a lot, Then stop, back up, then apply the brakes, I hear the same sound. It only happens after I apply the brakes for the first time AFTER changing directions. Like something is clanking back and forth with the force of the brakes. Does that make sense?
I've had someone tell me it's the transmissions, but it just doesn't sound or feel like it. I've inspected all the nuts and bolts around the front suspension with the wheel off and the car jacked up and they are all fine. I've double checked the brakes and they are fine too. Now when I say fine, I mean there is nothing falling off and everything is on tightly.
I appreciate any advice. Thanks!
AnswerRichard, believe it or not but thats normal. Whats happening is the brake pads are moving in the frame when you apply the brakes for the first time in the direction your moving. What it means is that your pads are moving freely which is O.K.(better than being seized) Too confirm this you can shim the pads with pieces of a business card and try it, the noise should be gone. You may not have noticed it before but you probably recently had a service or replacement of the brakes and it was done properly. RICK