Honda Repair: 1988 honda accord LX back fires when accelerating, honda accord lx, shock tower
Question1988 honda accord lx, backfires when i accelerate quickly, but not when i just cruise at a constant speed. I have had my engine rebuild, and carb rebuilt, as well as having all my vacumm lines checked and have replaced pcv valve, charcoal valve(basically any thing that can leak has been replaced to stoped from leaking) and i have NGK spark plugs that were put in 9000 miles ago(roughly)
i am worried it's my fuel pump because i do not know where that is on my vehicle. so if you think it is can you tell me where it might be?
thank you.
AnswerJosh, on that car there are 2 fuel filters that can be restricting fuel flow on high demand. One is on the fuel line mounted to the frame by the left rear wheel and the other is under the hood by the left front shock tower. The fuel pump has an access panel in the floor of the trunk. You may want to double check base ignition timing and the advance operation and the mechanical timing of the engine. RICK