Honda Repair: 1988 honda accord LX back fires when accelerating, honda accord lx, 1988 honda accord lx
Questionwell, I have had my engine rebuilt, my carb rebuilt and all my vacumm leaks sealed, and amoung other things my steering rack was replaced. I'm tired of spending money. the other day I was driving and I noticed that when I would come to stop lights from cruising, as soon as I would accelerate through the gears my car would jerk and sputter(not a clutch problem) and would make a sound like a back fire.this only happens when accelerating, and runs fine when cruising. so I'm assuming my car is backfiring. I have changed spark plugs recently and doubt that is the problem, I think it could be fuel pump but im scared as to where my fuel pump is located. and I have replacement filters but I have recently replaced those (6000 miles ago) so I dont know I that is just a waste of a new filter or not. your help would be greatly appreciated
Answer Josh,
I don't think filters unless maybe the fuel, would cause the backfire. I'm gonna be honest, Honda carbs suck! They are very difficult to rebuild and make the car run right. Our service center at the plant doesn't even suggest rebuilding, they say replacement only!! I myself won't touch one and know nothing about them. So, if you are certain that the timing is okay (advances on dist. included), I guess best bet is carb.
Sorry I can't help much on this one!!