Honda Repair: 2003 Honda Accord, 2003 honda accord, radio dial
Question42,000 miles From NYC
The lights (LCD?) on my radio and center dash console around the radio suddenly went out. Radio dial is black and only very faint reading if the sun hits it exactly right. How Can I reapir it myself?
Also, Overhead lights do not go on when driver's door handle opens door, only when passenger door opens.
AnswerIt sounds to me like the audio unit is faulty in which I've seen quite a few. You'd need an audio unit from HONDA and because its integrated with the HVAC system it's quite expensive. I'd check with the dealer for warranty and to verify because you don't want to replace the wrong part at that cost. As far as the interior light I'd check the operation of the door switch bolted to the "B" pillar. Also try swapping it with the passenger switch seeing as it works. They're the same part. If it works with the passenger switch the drivers switch must be faulty. RICK