Honda Repair: Repair Procedure 1990 Civic dx hatchback GASKET, blown head gasket, honda civic 1990
QuestionI bought a Honda Civic 1990 DX hatchback with almost 200k miles on it. It has a blown head gasket, and I have no experience working with cars. But there is only one way to learn. I was wondering if there were any manual online or if you could help me. I need a basic idea of what to remove to get to the head of the engine and replace the gasket. I hope I did not warp the engine cylinders because I started removing the head already. I did it real slowly and was moving from far left bolt to far right bolt and so on and switching around. Well thanks for the help and take time getting back to me. I did not pay much for the car 320 and it already had the new gasket just needed to be replaced. I just want to get the car running again w/o all the smoke and do it myself. Please help if you can. I only need a synopsis of the procedure of removing the head to replace the gasket and replacing the gasket.
AnswerJacques, there is no manuals I'm aware of online. Your best bet is probably a Haynes manual or if you can get your hands on a HONDA manual, even better. You'll have to remove the intake and exhaust manifolds, timing belt and distributor. Unbolt the head by loosening the bolts 1/3 turn at a time starting from the outside, working your way in. I'd take the head to a engine shop to check for any warpage or cracks. Make sure both mating surfaces are clean before installing the gasket. PLEASE use HONDA parts. I never use aftermarket parts. GOOD LUCK, RICK.