Honda Repair: 92 honda Accord lx overheating, radiator fluid, radiator hose
My son owns a 92honda accord lx, recently it starts over heating (the gauge stays at the edge of the red zone soonest engine warms up), he tells me that one of the fans stopped working. He installed a new fan motor but one fan is still not working. Your advise is greatly appriciated. TIA
Other recent repairs been done: replaced headgasket, one radiator hose and radiator fluid been replaced.
AnswerAngela, was the head gasket replaced because of the overheating? Is he sure the thermostat is not stuck? If only one of the fans work check to make sure the relay for the inop. fan is ok and that there is power at the connector. The condenser fan is the one on the drivers side and the rad fan is the one on the passengers. The rad fan relay is in the fuse box under the hood and the condenser fan relay is located on the drivers sidefront of the car under the hood close to the rad. Good luck, RICK