Honda Repair: squeeking on right wheel when turning, axle shaft, cv joint

I have a 1999 Honda Accord 4 cylinder with 93K miles.I get a squeeking noise on the right wheel or driver side wheel when turning.I am convinced that the noise is not from the brake as all parts are new except the caliper.I believe that the axle shaft is the problem although the boot is not torn.
What other sources can cause this squeeking noise? How do I change the axle shaft? Any ideas or help in resolving this problen is apreciated.

Jack, I would not quite rule out the brakes. Check to make sure there is lubrication on the shoe mounting area, clean and lubricate with brake grease. As for the axle shaft, as long as the boot is good ant you are not hearing a clicking sound while turning the CV joint is good.
Hope this helps.