QuestionMy daughter owns a 86 Honda that does not start. We think
it is the starter. We have located a rebuilt starter and are
considering doing the labor ourselves. What do you think? Is this
something an over educated father and high school senior can do?
We do own a screwdriver and a few tools - but nothing specialized.
Do we need and other parts to go with the starter?
Thanks. Michael and Ottilia
AnswerMichael and Ottilia,
It is not too difficult if you have the right tools. You will need a ratchet wrench, 1/2 or 3/8 inch preferably both. The bolts can be seized up a bit so you need to be able to get pretty good leverage on them. If the starter is bad that is all you will need to replace. Let me know the symptoms and I might be able to reasonably tell you if the starter could be the cause of the problem.