Honda Repair: 2002 Accord V6 coupe, failure code, fuse box

Having a problem that Honda has not able to solve. It appears to involve three differentproblems, all tied together I believe.
1. Windshield Wipers come on by themselves. Generally will run for about 10 minutes, then will engage intermittently, making a short sweep, stop, continue. Honda has replaced the wiper stem.
2. Oil light flashes. Oil level good. Honda has replaced the oil switch and reset the computer.
3. I get a beep at start up as if it may be a failure code(just as a computer would do). It generally is a long beep followed by three short beeps. Honda says it means nothing to them.
No faults are showing up in the computer.
Every hear of this type of problem?
Thanks in advancefor your reply

This is something I have not heard of. It sounds like the problem is in the wiring, possibly at the fuse box. I think if Honda does a good job of following down the wiring of one of the instruments they will find the problem for all as you stated they are related. Sorry I can't be of more help.