Honda Repair: 1995 Honda Intermittenly Wont Start, honda accord ex, intermittent problems
QuestionI have a 1995 Honda Accord EX. My daughter takes the car to college and doesn't drive it often. Since Sept the car has not been starting but only intermittenly. It will turn over, but not start. Usually after waiting 5 to 10 minutes the car will start and it will not happen for a while. The last time it happened it did not start and had to be towed. The next day it started right up. It's been to the Honda dealer 4 times and they are unable to duplicate the problem. One note, and I'm not sure if this is related is that on her way back from school (2 hour drive), the car began to shake and the gauges went crazy (her description). It did not stop and the problem didn't happen again.
Please Help. She returns to school in two weeks. It's at the dealer now and they have no clue.
I hate intermittent problems. The only way to fix them is to guess right on parts and that never happens, at least to me. There are several things that could cause the problem and until it becomes a permanent failure, you could be replacing a lot of parts at your expense and still have the uncertainty of the fix. It sounds like the problem your daughter had while driving home was a fuel delivery issue, the fuel pump may be going out and that could also cause your no start condition.
On problems like this the only thing I can suggest is to let the dealer keep the car until the failure occurs and then it can be properly diagnosed. Sorry I can't be of more help on this.