Honda Repair: 94 Accord will not allways start when warm, battery cables, intermittent problem
QuestionMy 1994 accord sometimes will not start when I make a short stop. The engine turns over but It will not crank. When this happens the D4 light will blink. I turn off the switch for a few minutes and if the D4 light is not blinking it will start. This has been going on for some time, but If I take it to a mechanic I am sure the problem will not raise it's ugly head. Any suggestions of some simple things to try first.
Whenever you have an intermittent problem you run the risk of replacing things you don't need to replace. If you can leave it with a mechanic for several days they can wait for the problem to appear. Otherwise you will just spend a lot of money for nothing. I would clean the battery cables and make sure you have good contact. Sorry I can't be of more help.