Honda Repair: 88 prelude si 4ws fuel injection wont start, rotor coil, 4ws

My prelude won't start.  It was starting just fine and then all of the sudden has it was idling it just died, like someone turned the key off.  I know it's not a fuel problem.  I've changed out the distrubter cap, rotor, coil still nothing.  Check engine light also comes on.  Could an O2 sensor cause this or something else. I'm stumped.

The O2 sensor would make it run poorly but it should still run. If you are sure it is not a fuel problem you will need to trace the spark back. Check the plugs, plug wires, battery and main fuse (skip the other stuff since you just replaced). You ma also have a bad distributor. From there you will need to check back to the ignition switch.
Good luck.