Honda Repair: Timing Belt replacement, cross country trip, timing belt replacement
QuestionHi Bill,
I own a 85 Honda Accord 18oocc engine. It now has 153,000 miles. I bought it used 4 years ago. I do not know the condition of the timing belt but I understand it should be replaced every 60,000 miles or so. I am about to embark on a cross country trip and figure I should attempt to replace it to be safe. From the Haynes manual I see that it seems to be quite a job. Your thoughts?And if I do this will I have to remove the left driveaxle from the steering knuckle to remove the alternator as the manual seems to indicate? Any advice is appreciated.
You should remove the alternator, but I do not see where you would need to remove the driveaxle from the steering knuckle. I am looking at the same book. It is a very big job, if you have air tools that will make it easier. Make sure you give yourself lots of time (as in two or three days) if you have not done anything like this before. With a car that is 20 years old you may break some parts in the process.
Good luck.