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I have two questions. the window frame on the passenger doors adjustable? The drivers side door window frame does not close tightly against the body allowing an air leak.
2.I have a high idle speed(3000 rpm) until the engine is up to normal temperature in all weather conditions. It will not kick down when you tap the gas pedal.
The car has 250,000 miles on it and runs great otherwise.
Answer -
You can adjust the roller guide or motor mounting bolts to position within the window frame.
As for the idle problem, check to make sure you do not have a vacuum leak first. If there is good vacuum, you should check the intake air temperature control system. Check with engine cold the air cleaner housing by detaching, but do not remove, air cleaner housing and element. Turn upside down so you can see the air control door, the door should be open. If it is sticking or is closed you will need to service it with oil to get it to move freely. If the door is okay, check for a leak in the hose leading to it. Check the vacuum source to and from the intake air sensor; if no leak is found replace the air control diaphragm. This is a little difficult to explain without pictures, you may want to buy a repair manual.
Good luck.
Thanks Bill,
In the first part of my question I wasn't refering to the window within the frame, but the frame against the body of the car.
Okay. Sorry about the confusion. To be sure, you want to adjust the door... To do that you will need to adjust the hinges on the door frame by loosening them slightly and adjusting the door for a better fit. There is no real science to it, you will need to adjust and see if you have a better fit.