Honda Repair: idle control sensor/brake lights, v tek, vacuum leak

Good day to you sir,I own a 1998 six cylinder v-tek Honda Accord.When the car is in park it starts idling up and down but if I put it in gear it stops and only starts idling a bit high.I suspect it may be the idle control sensor.Can you please confirm this.Also my brake lights are not working.I have checked the bulbs as well as the fuses and they all seem to be fine.Another thing is the lamps work fine when I turn on the headlights.Can you kindly tell me what the problem may be,if you can.Thank you.

The IAC certainly sound suspect. I would start with checking the valve mounting, hoses, connections and O-rings for damage or leakage. If that all checks out, then do this test on the IAC, start the car and let it reach normal temperature. Detach the electrical connection from the IAC. There should be a noticeable drop in engine speed. If a drop was noted but the intermittent idle still persists check the wiring harness for high resistance or exposed wires. You could also have a vacuum leak in the throttle body. Check by placing your finger over the hole in the inner throttle body. The idle should drop, if not you may have a vacuum leak. As for the brake lights you will need to check the wiring to make sure there is no break, my bet is that you have a bad ground.
Good luck.