Honda Repair: 1989 wont start hot, vacum leaks, civic crx
Questionhello I have a 89 civic crx will not start when at full warm up sometimes not even from a cold start have replaced coolant senser check fuel injectors engine is correctly timed off of number 1 piston replaced fuel filter plug wires spark plugs dist.cap rotor no vacum leaks have fuel pressure car seems sluggish at drive out when driving car at full thorttle engine will miss fire any where between 3and5 thousand rpm engine idles perfect when it starts correctly I am out of ideas do you have a good place to go from here I'm lost the engine has been completly redone starting at the crankshaft ring etc. engine head reworked I'm think it has a grimlin in it thanks for the time and any help you may be able to give michael
Check to make sure the air filter is clean, check the connections on the battery and make sure the cables are clean and the ground is good. I'm assuming the car is cranking... so the problem would be in the fuel system. Your fuel pump may be going out. The other thing I would suggest is to warm the car up and shut it off and trouble shoot the problem when it is happening, you may have already done this but I want to make sure. The only way to solve is to make the problem happen otherwise you will keep throwing parts at it and will cost you a lot of money. The most difficult problem to diagnosis is an intermittent one as you are finding out. Let me know if the car is not cranking or if you have already done what I'm suggesting and I will try to help from there.