Honda Repair: 1998 Honda Accord steering makes creaking sound., spray lubricant, gear assembly

Binding sound coming from Steering Gear assembly when turning.   Observed a little play in the gear assembly mounting when the steering wheel is turned 10 degrees in either direction.  Applied spray lubricant to the area, which reduced the “creaking sound” temporarily.  Also noticed the sound goes away during extremely rainy conditions.

Are there bushings or mounting bumpers used in mounting the steering gear?  The manual I am using specs the torque of the mounting bolts at 28ft#.  What purpose does the “stiffener plates” serve?  Could they somehow contribute to this creaking noise?

None of the mechanics made mention of the noise when I had the timing belt and water pump replaced.  Same with the inspection stations for the past three years.  Is this a common condition with Honda's?  I will appreciate any advice you may have in remedy

What you describe may be normal, I have to admit I have not done any work on a steering column, nor have I had any questions about them. That would lead me to believe that this is not a common problem. Probably since you took your car in for something else the mechanic may not have noticed any problem, I would suggest having them take a look at this specifically and they could tell you if this is normal.
Sorry I can't be of more help.