Honda Repair: 90 prelude 2.0si wont start., prelude 2, alternater

Hello. I have a 90 prelude 2.0si. There was a cupple of systems on it that wasn't working, so I wanted to take them off. (1)was the cruise control. Took it off, no problum. (2) the air conditioning. The compresser, the condinser, the acumulater, and the lines. I got a shorter belt for the alternater. When I turned the key, now no two second fuel pump prime, no check engine lite, no clicks at the main relay. It will crank, but nothing else. I checked all the fuses and bought a new main relay. Still no go. I pluged the acumulater and the compresser back in and still nothing and thats all I unpluged. I can take the cover off the main relay and ground the contacts with a test lite and the fuel pump will do the two second deal, or I can ground another one and can make it run steady, but it still won't hit and no check engine lite. The check engine lite has been on ever scence I bought the car, but it has always ran great till now. I drove the car home from work, took the air off of it and killed it. P.S. The system had already leeked off and didn't work when I bought the car so I wasn't worried about takeing it off. I'm not an air nut and to me it's just dead weight. Thanks John.

It sounds like you need to check to determine if there is spark or fuel missing. When you took A/C off you may have disrupted something in the circuit. Once you determine spark or fuel problem you can go from there.
Sorry I can't be of more help.