Honda Repair: Honda -- sometimes wont start, visual checks, civic wagon

Hi Bill, I have a 1990 Honda Civic Wagon with about 135,000 miles on it.  My wife is telling me to go buy a Prius and be done with the Honda since I have been having a recurring problem which my mechanic cannot duplicate or fix.  Unfortunately, I like this car (which always gets 39 miles per gallon on a trip) and think it still may have some life in it.  Here's the details: Intermittently, though more often lately, my car will not start once the engine is warm.  When it doesn't start, the engine light comes on and it turns over; it just doesn't catch.  When this happens, if I am patient and give it 5 or 10 minutes and try again, it usually starts up.  I have asked friends about it and they say it sounds like vapor lock -- but I have fuel injection so I guess that is not possible.  My mechanic has checked the fuel pump and says that is fine.  One idea the mechanic has is that the problem is due to a partially failing ignition module (which doesn't work right when warm?) but they tell me they can't figure it out unless the problem (failure to retart) happens in their garage -- which of course it refuses to do.  Now I'm almost afraid to drive it, especially if I have a series of stops to make, because it's likely not to restart and I fear I will be stranded.  Up until now, the problem has pretty much been a summer problem.  In cold weather, it has never happened.  Any ideas?  Thanks!

Sorry it took so long to get back to you. I have bounced this off someone else and unfortunately we have come up with pretty much what you have found. I just went through a similar situation with a starting problem where I had to wit until I had a repeatable failure and unless you want to roll the dice on repairs, you really can't diagnosis at this point. The only thing you may want to do is basic and cheap things, clean cables, check for partially stripped wires and visual checks. The ignition may be the problem, but that is not a cheap roll of the dice.
Well I've said a lot without saying anything but that is all I can offer.
Sorry I can't be of more help.