Honda Repair: replacing time belt, 99 CRV, timing belts, specialist shop
QuestionI've got 86,000 miles on my 99 CRV and it's ready for a timing belt change. I'm not a mechanic but am pretty handy with the car and am thinking about trying it myself. I thought at worst, if i get stumped, there's a Honda specialist shop a mile from my house and I can get it over there and let him finish it. At least I'll have the parts. Am I a fool?!!! Also, any idea on where to get some insructions? on the web? a good shop manual? My brother will help me and he has successfully replaced timing belts on his accord and on a CRX so i won't be flying blind. Also, is the water pump mandatory or just a good idea. Thanks for your help.
It is a big job; I've replaced a couple and plan to replace two more shortly. I would get a manual from the auto parts store, I have a Haynes and Chilton, either one is good and they only cost about $15. The thing that would really help is an air compressor and impact socket. I've done one without and one with and it has saved a lot of time. Replace the water pump; again I speak from (bad) experience. Last time I thought I could get by without replacing w/p and guess what, my w/p started leaking.
Hope this helps.