Honda Repair: Honda Accord A/C, battery discharge, honda accord
QuestionMy 2000 Accord battery died and I replaced it. Setting in the driveway at idle there was a hiss and a cloud of "smoke" came from the front of the car after a "poping noise" the smoke stopped. Later, my new batter died and would not hold a charge for more than 12 hours after recharge. Turns out that by pulling the fuse for the condenser cooling fan, the battery will hold charge indefinitely. When pulling the fuse with the ignition off, there were sparks and there is the sound of a relay clicking. If turn off the AC switch before turning off the ignition, I have no battery discharge. When I first start the car, both cooling fans in the front of the car start running and eventually turn off. The AC works but is not getting as cool as before. I may have a temperature sensor problem or a sticky relay but I am not sure and would like to have a better idea before I take it in for repair. Are there some further diagnostics I can perform to isolate this problem? Thank you for your assistaance.
You may have a couple of problems. Since the AC is not cooling you may be low on freon. The other problem sounds like there is a problem with the wiring. You can check the relay to see if is good. Find the two terminals that have continuity and attach wires to each one and attach the other end to the battery, you should hear a clicking which means the relay is good. Other than that you should purchase a repair manual that has a wiring diagram and you can trace and check the wiring from there.
Good luck.