Honda Repair: 1987 Honda accord, air control valve, vacuum leak

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Question -
Hi there Bill...I have sorted through several of your questions and one of your answer lead me in the right direction with a faulty Dist cap on my car...Now we have the issue of the engine racing to 2800 rpm when not in gear...I read where you suggest the throttle cable could you walk me through that and how to test the idle air control valve?
Lost in Oklahoma..Matt

Answer -
To adjust the throttle cable, loosen the locknut, turn it until the cable has about 3/16 to 3/8 of an inch deflection (that is the distance of slack in the cable), and tighten the locknut.
You would really need to take your car to a mechanic to check the idle air control valve.
Sounds to me like you may have a vacuum leak, make sure you check that out.
Sorry I can't be of more help.

Dear Bill
 Funny you would mention a vam leak, when I got the air filter unit off and closely inspected the vacum lines I found two of my vacum lines leaning to what I might assume is some type off fuel regulation plunger.
Thanks for your help..I do have another question..My brake light lamp warning light stays there a known issue with this I might look at?


Thanks for your feed back, I enjoy doing this and it's a bonus that I may actually help someone out. As for the brake light, no known issue, make sure you have plenty of fluid (I'm sure you already did). The other thing you should check is the rear brakes; it might be time to get new brake shoes.