Honda Repair: PGM Light, prelude 2, temperature gauge
QuestionMy 87 Prelude 2.0si flashes code 1 (oxygen sensor). replaced it and light still flashes code 1. also, my Dash Temp guage reads Hot when I turn on the key. pulled the connectors from both temp sensors next to the thermostat, (not sure which one is which, one is green, one is white). If I ground the two wires together, gauge should go to Hot and take the jumper off and should go to COLD. it's on COLD when the engine is off but goes to HOT when ignition is on.
what is wrong.
You have an electrical short in the system. You will need to get a wiring diagram and trace the wires to see the short is. Not sure if the code 1 is related, the problem with using the code and replacing parts is that the code is giving only the symptom. I would fix your temperature gauge problem first. If the code 1 still shows, email back and I'll try to help with causes.
Good luck